Your partner in moving people.
The rules of the game have changed, and the old communications playbooks no longer serve. To grow and thrive in our increasingly complex world, clients need a partner to help them navigate through change, see around the corner to prepare for the future and make sure key stakeholders come along on the journey. They must move people — all kinds of people — to think differently, feel deeply and act urgently.
And moving people today requires an entirely different approach. One that weaves a comprehensive story, engages the complete range of stakeholders and leverages every tool, channel and tactic available. That’s why BCW offers ingenious client solutions powered by Earned-Plus capabilities to deliver exponential results across every industry.
The BCW Sports practice supports clients in all of the BCW Capabilities - where sports organisations and public sector bodies benefit from the global communication expertise of BCW, coupled with the industry experience, knowledge and network of the BCW Sports practice.
In particular, BCW Sports has developed a strong expertise in all aspects of event bidding and hosting. A variety of event strategy and global communication services are combined in the newly developed BCW Eventus™ service package. This, and other sport specific services are outlined below.