Story Framing

Organizations spend most of their time telling their story from their perspective, but little or no time framing it from the audience’s perspective. This leads to an incomplete strategy and missed opportunities to increase awareness, conversion and loyalty. Enter BCW Story Framing: an approach that goes beyond the mere emotional artistry of words and imagery to infuse relevant cultural touchstones, precision timing and behavioral triggers to move audiences from passive observers to active brand participants.

Media Relations

While PR has become more integrated, media relations is still a critically important element of our work, and we have the strongest relationships in the business. BCW has a senior team of media strategists who maintain top-tier relationships and coach all of our teams to develop smart strategies in a changing media landscape. Importantly, our teams are always reading, watching, questioning and thinking. We know the best idea may not be planned, but, rather, in response to the news of the day. Success requires a nimble, always-on, proactive mindset.

PESO Media Strategy

We believe the strongest campaigns are earned-first, but integrated – using the right mix of PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned) media channels to surround and engage target audiences. Our PESO Media Strategy team takes a data-driven approach to integrated channel planning and seeks to intercept with valuable content rather than interrupt with traditional ads.