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Take Your Advocacy to Cruising Altitude

Corporations and associations advocating in Washington and state capitals understand that creating dynamic, integrated public affairs means keeping Government Affairs, Communications and Grassroots teams working in lockstep to achieve their goals.

From bringing your advocates to the Hill to bringing the Hill to your advocates — and all strategic touch points in between — BCW’s Washington office provides three integrated operations under one roof to help you move people.

  • BCW is one of the world’s largest and most-experienced communications strategy firms with an ever-expanding suite of capabilities to reach audiences through a wide array of touch points.
  • Direct Impact gives you access to every congressional district and media market across the U.S. with a nationwide network of over 1,000 grassroots experts with unique insights and established relationships that can authentically reach your target audiences.
  • Prime Policy Group offers a bipartisan slate of government affairs professionals who provide the strategic counsel, contacts and experience to help you engage directly with government officials and impact policy outcomes.

Together, we ensure policymakers receive your messaging from the channels and voices they trust to inform their work, all year round — whether they’re reading local news, digesting clips from the world’s top outlets, scrolling social media or interacting with key constituents and stakeholders.

Our integrated approach enables us to provide 360° strategies for our clients’ public affairs initiatives, reaching policymakers, influencers and other key audiences across a variety of platforms including direct lobbying, digital, social and traditional media, grassroots activations and more.

Contact us to learn more, or read more about our "flight map," below.


Whether your organization is new to coordinating a “Hill Day” fly-in or you are an experienced veteran of this time-honored DC tradition, our extensive bipartisan team of former congressional staff and Administration advisors will help you set your advocates up for success. Our fly-in preparation program includes:

  • In-depth discovery to understand your policy objectives, learn about your advocates and build strategic messaging that highlights your successes and elevates your advocacy.
  • Researching your target policymakers to understand the unique community connections, committee assignments and other ways to tailor and maximize the effectiveness of individualized meetings.
  • Preparing your advocates with messaging workshops, mock meetings and media training to get them dialed in and on-message for your fly-in.
  • Developing day-of materials including messaging guides, event agendas, best practices guides, sample social media content, tailored state-specific data sheets and more so your advocates are telling a localized story that speaks to the specific Members they are meeting.

Just as no two districts are the same, neither are the Members who represent them. That’s why we’re ready to create a custom plan to upgrade your fly-in to first class.


Fly-ins aren’t just important for your advocacy; they’re critical to activating and retaining your most engaged advocates. Prime Policy Group has developed an industry-leading mobile app that will keep your fly-in materials and information organized at your participants’ fingertips. Features include:

  • In-depth discovery to understand your policy objectives, learn about your advocates and build strategic messaging that highlights your successes and elevates your advocacy.
  • Researching your target policymakers to understand the unique community connections, committee assignments and other ways to tailor and maximize the effectiveness of individualized meetings.
  • Preparing your advocates with messaging workshops, mock meetings and media training to get them dialed in and on-message for your fly-in.
  • Developing day-of materials including messaging guides, event agendas, best practices guides, sample social media content, tailored state-specific data sheets and more so your advocates are telling a localized story that speaks to the specific Members they are meeting.

Just as no two districts are the same, neither are the Members who represent them. That’s why we’re ready to create a custom plan to upgrade your fly-in to first class.


Hosting fly-outs — bringing Members of Congress and staff to your facilities — rounds out your advocacy by letting them see firsthand how helping you helps their constituents. Our dynamic fly-out support includes:

  • Optimized timing to make sure lawmakers are there when your operations are in full swing.
  • Advocate prep to identify and train the in-district employees, customers or stakeholders to personify your organization’s story.
  • Refined agenda to ensure the visit resonates with lawmakers’ interests and keeps them engaged.
  • Message maximization with media alerts and outreach, op-eds, internal communications and dynamic social content to elevate the importance of the visit with your lawmakers, community and employees before, during and after the visit.

For Members of Congress, being seen in your facility shows that they are serving their communities. From pre-flight planning to the baggage claim follow-up, we’re here to make your fly-out a trip to remember.


Advocacy doesn’t happen in a vacuum, and your day-to-day operations will affect how you speak to both Congress and your broader audiences. Whether it’s creating a slow-and-steady campaign to build goodwill and community support or combining our industry-leading crisis communications and hyperlocal field teams to address an immediate need, let’s make sure you’re talking to Congress year-round. We will support you by:

  • Researching white space opportunities to align messages with business objectives and reputation building
  • Customizing reporting to measure against your key performance indicators.
  • Developing nimble, community-driven earned media to increase visibility for your organization or issue that can be upleveled to the DC Beltway press.
  • Creating localized public affairs moments like roundtable discussions and speaking engagements so your viewpoint drives the narrative.
  • Devising district engagements that make sure state and district staff know who you are and why you matter.
  • Tailoring digital engagement campaigns to mobilize your advocates without asking them to leave their home.
  • Organizing consistent drop-in meetings using our bipartisan team of lobbyists who can take the pulse of your target offices without the need to come to DC.

From finding lunch to navigating the Capitol, we provide a dedicated team to support your fly-in by email, phone and text all day long. And if it helps having someone to break the ice and keep the meetings running smoothly, we can join you, too. No matter how large your group, we are here to ensure that that your advocates — and you — can sit back, relax and enjoy the fly-in.

BCW WashingtonWhether you’re focused on earning consumers’ trust or Congress’s, the BCW Washington office is here to make sure you’re cleared for takeoff. Reach out today to discuss how we can support your ongoing advocacy, and together we’ll reach new heights.Contact Us