HomeEuropeNewsroomNavigating the Public Affairs Revolution: BCW Unveils BCW Nexus for a World in Rapid Change
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Navigating the Public Affairs Revolution: BCW Unveils BCW Nexus for a World in Rapid ChangeJuly 7, 2020

BCW launched today a new approach to public affairs designed to guide clients through an era of rapid change and unprecedented complexity.

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BCW launched today a new approach to public affairs designed to guide clients through an era of rapid change and unprecedented complexity.

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LONDON, JULY 7, 2020 – BCW (Burson Cohn & Wolfe), a leading global communications agency, today launched a new approach to public affairs designed to guide clients through an era of rapid change and unprecedented complexity.

BCW Nexus is a complete reinvention of the old public affairs model, based on a deep understanding of global, systemic trends that have been accelerated in 2020 by the worldwide pandemic crisis and the dramatic civil movements.

To build a new model for public affairs, one that serves both business objectives as well as social purpose, BCW’s team of global experts came together to produce a set of powerful insights about the way influencing decision-making in society is being revolutionized. The key findings include:

  • Due to the global pandemic, governments are playing a bigger role in the economy and society than any time since 1945; but that role will also face challenges like never before.
  • In place of the old hierarchies and top-down decision making, power is being dispersed throughout society. Leaders are being confronted at all levels by grassroots movements and individual citizens.
  • Technology allows even the smallest groups to mobilize very quickly, act, influence and change society in a way that has never been possible before.
  • New partnerships between government, business and civil society are emerging that can unlock change with tremendous speed.

To navigate this unprecedented complexity, BCW Nexus offers a networked approach to public affairs that combines bottom-up with top-down engagement that creates real impact on decision makers, beginning with a set of strategic questions to address the new realities. Among those questions are:

  • How does the rise of national government intervention impact your organization and how can you positively contribute by working with or influencing the role of government moving forward?
  • How will the rise of nationalism, protectionism and global power shifts impact your organization?
  • What is your view on global challenges such as inequality and climate change, in addition to the disruptive impacts of technologies and automation in the coming years?
  • Have new pressure groups and NGOs risen to prominence, and can you collaborate with them in partnerships and coalitions to address local and global challenges in a post COVID-19 new normal?

BCW Nexus offers a new way of thinking and a set of tools for effective engagement and advocacy in a reinvented world of public affairs. Data science, emotional storytelling and sharable content can create a continuous sphere of engagement that leads to business and social impact.

Commenting on the launch of BCW Nexus, Scott Wilson, President, BCW Europe & Africa, said, “Any business or society leader who wants to advocate for change has to understand the seismic shift in world affairs that has been building for several years, and has now accelerated dramatically by the global pandemic. The traditional ‘top down’ model of decision making in public affairs is no longer the solution. In its place is a ‘top down’ combined with a ‘bottom up’ model where change can occur suddenly, spontaneously and dramatically. BCW has built BCW Nexus to bring influence with impact on decision-makers in this world that remains full of opportunity for those who can understand and change it for the better, and make public affairs at a C-suite level even more important than ever before.”